There is no denying the fact that Diwali is one of the biggest and most important festivals celebrated across the length and breadth of India. People start preparing for the occasion weeks before by thoroughly cleaning their homes and buying new clothes and household accessories. Even the various companies and organizations add to the fun of the festival by offering huge discounts and rebates on their products and services. During this time excitement about the festival creates a sense of happiness and jubilation which grips the entire Indian society.
Celebrating A Green Diwali
However, amidst all these festivities of fun and frolic, we often tend to ignore the most important aspect of our existence, namely our environment. In our excitement of celebrating the festival with much fervor and grandiose, we pollute our environment to the extent that it becomes choked with harmful gases and destructive remains of the millions of fire crackers that are burnt on this day. Rather than enjoying the bliss and beauty of our surroundings, we happily indulge in destroying its very core within a span of just a few hours. This wasteful and harmful way of celebrating the most auspicious festival is definitely not what our ancestors would have intended.
Green Diwali
Thankfully this truth is realized by several people who are consistently working towards raising awareness about the wastefulness of burning crackers on Diwali. Apart from the countless individuals and NGOs, organizations like Mona Townships are also putting in sincere efforts towards making people conscious about the disastrous effects of celebrating Diwali by spreading unprecedented air ad noise pollution. As a part of its efforts, Mona Townships is encouraging people to spend their hard earned money in a beneficial manner such as investing in property, rather than spending the same buying crackers which will not only harm nature but also their own health and well-being.
Say No To Crackers
Mona Townships is a leading real estate development company, committed to the cause of providing Eco-friendly real estate solutions to people to help them enjoy the blessings of nature. In keeping with the same the company has also provided facilities for water treatment and waste management in its various projects. In addition, every property developed by the company boasts of vast lush green areas covered with a wide variety of flora and trees. Mona Townships firmly believes that living or working in such magnificent environment ensures better mental and physical growth of individuals besides keeping them healthy and happy.
Need For A Green Diwali
According to reported estimates, the amount of harmful gases released in our atmosphere on the night of Diwali is much greater than the gases released over the period of entire year across any city. In some cases, the amount is so huge that the gases remain suspended low in the air as the upper layers of the atmosphere are completely choked with them. These gases not only harm the flora and fauna in the region but also the people who breathe the same air and intake some of the harmful and even poisonous contents during the process. Pregnant women and children are amongst the most vulnerable people as their immune systems are not strong enough to counter the effect of these gases.
Apart from the damage caused by the air pollution, burning of crackers on Diwali can also lead to other health complications. These primarily include damage to ear drums caused by the immense levels of sound pollution due to bursting of fireworks. In fact every year several incidents of people having become deaf due to the bursting of fire crackers are reported immediately after the festivities. Another health hazard caused by crackers is an accidental burn injury which even leads to the untimely death of countless people every year.
Pollution in Diwali
Many people are also ignorant of the fact that burning firecrackers causes large scale deforestation as well as wastage of water in an indirect manner. This is because firecrackers have paper as their primary constituent and burning them results in wastage of hundreds of tons of paper which is manufactured from trees. Thus an increased demand of fireworks in the market directly results in an increase in the level of deforestation and wastage millions of gallons of water for its manufacture.
After Diwali Night Pollution on Road
In view of the above facts it is not difficult to understand why we should follow the example of Mona Townships and promote the idea of a green Diwali. This can not only help save our natural environment form irreparable damage but will also ensure that we enjoy the festival in a healthier and cleaner ambience. Most importantly it will prevent the wastage of huge sums of money that are spend by people across the country on buying the useless fireworks which just add to the increasing threat of environmental degradation.
Taking Up The Cause
Mona Townships understands the importance of conserving our environment in the modern times more than ever. This is evident from the fact the organization extends full support and corporation to the efforts made by individuals or NGO’s towards generating awareness for this issue. In fact, the company is currently supporting the campaign launched by the NGO Yuvsatta, aimed at motivating school kids to avoid burning firecrackers this Diwali. The company is also willing to extend its full corporation and support to any other similar initiatives aimed at promoting a greener and cleaner Diwali celebration.

It is our responsibility to safeguard our environment for ensuring the health and well being of our loved ones. The first and the most important step that we can take in this direction is to contribute towards minimizing the pollution level this Diwali by saying no to burning firecrackers and making it a healthy and clean festival. As the people from Mona Townships rightly advise us, rather than virtually burning up our hard earned money and making our environments unsafe, we should think about investing it in a property that offers us the pleasure of living in close proximity with nature and ensures freedom for our minds and souls through a relaxed and peaceful ambiance.
Happy Diwali
Wish You happy And Safe Diwali From :Mona Townships
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